Who remembers Camp Mishewah’s tabins?
What is a tabin, you ask? Jean Jewitt wrote in her memories of the beginnings of Mishewah: “One of the first things on the list was to improve the accommodations for the Kids camp. They built wooden platforms and put canvas tents on top – they called them “Tabins”.  Clayt Jewitt suggested building permanent bunks into the tabins and the women worked hard to make 100 mattresses. We used 4” foam slabs and Eldon Sears who worked at BF Gooderich was able to supply heavy naugahyde to cover them. It got too hot to work outside – the glue became runny and sticky so we had to move into the old dining hall.” After moving inside, the volunteers had to take multiple breaks because the fumes from the glue became so strong!


Did you ever sleep in a tabin at Mishewah?  Feel free to share your memories in the comments below!

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